Marathon #31: Budapest Marathon

At some point on the cycling excursion my husband and I undertook in the week preceding the Budapest Marathon, we got on to the subject of haiku, a type of Japanese poetry that is characterized by having three lines, each line with a set number of syllables (5, 7, 5). We joked about describing each…

Reflections on finish lines

One year ago, in September 2018, I ran the Loch Ness Marathon in honour of my mom. She died just over a week later. I wrote this shortly after as my reflections on what that race was like and what it felt like knowing that I soon would be in this world without the one…

The struggle is real

This has been another less than stellar marathon training cycle for me. But here I am, with just seven weeks to go before my next race. I’m less prepared than I want to be, but amazingly, I’m more prepared than I thought I might be. I say that as I had an ambitious goal of…

Remembering the fallen

Memorial Day is the one day a year when we are asked to remember our military who have fallen in service to our country. We pay respects with flags and parades, spending time with family and loved ones, fully enjoying the freedoms that the sacrifices of those service members have given us. When we remember…

Marathon #30 – Why do I keep doing this?

I’m 30 days away from running my 30th marathon. I only ran my first 3 1/2 years ago. This is crazy. Who am I? Of all people, I can’t believe I am coming up on this milestone. But now that this fire has been flamed, so to speak, it’s hard to contain it. Which is…

Making miles matter more

For a few years, I have been using an app when I run to help make my miles count even more. I’ve shared it on Facebook a few times (mostly when I first discovered it), but I want to share it again as I think most runners are looking for ways to truly make their…

European Marathon Adventure 2019

My annual tradition of running a spring marathon (or two) in Europe with my friend Sarah has continued into 2019, making it the fourth year in a row that I’ve been able to head across the pond for what has now affectionately been dubbed #euromarathonadventure. This tradition started in 2016, when I won a free…

Two toenails and another marathon

Last week was a busy one. I lost two toenails from past running experiences (dating back to the Philadelphia Marathon in November) and I registered for the Miami Marathon on 27th January. That kind of sums up how things are going in general – I’m dealing with the past while trying to look to the…

One Word 2019

My one-word for 2018 was ‘service’, a word that I tried to keep as my ‘theme’ for the year. However, when I look back on 2018, a lot of other words pop into my head as what I will remember about the year. Words such as pain, sadness, anger, loss, exhaustion, frustration, helplessness, despair and…

Where will running take me in 2019?

A new calendar, with 365 days of possibilities! A new year can be invigorating – a chance to begin something new, make plans and attack goals with an excitement that people rarely experience mid-year. There is just something about a blank slate that is the coming year ahead that brings people around to self-reflection and…